Saturday, June 19, 2010


God has given me ample opportunity this past week to really be introspective as to who He wants me to be. Funny how He uses those around us to teach us more and more about ourselves!

Rob had surgery last Friday. He had a heart catherization in which we were expecting at least one stint to be placed in his heart. Now we have learned that fear is not of God, but this surgery, for some reason, had both of us very afraid. We have great fellowship at our church and a lot of Christ Followers for friends who have prayed for and encouraged us through all of Rob's health issues. We had peace last Friday morning as we entered the hospital for the umpteenth time. His cath only lasted maybe 30 minutes and I got the call that he was in great shape. Praise God. God used that experience to teach me that I was walking away from Him and that He is ever present and He stands firm never moving, never changing. He is the Father that when I take my selfishness and repent of it and turn around, His arms are wide open waiting to embrace me and comfort and sooth me. Thank you, God for your patience with me!

We then had some issues with Crystal. No need to elaborate, other than the fact that she is 18 and searching for herself in this great big world. She, is experiencing the same thing I was with Rob and trusting God. Imagine if you will, a canyon with a bridge across it. On one side are us parents and on the other is the child. The bridge can be piece by piece torn down or maybe even burnt. A burnt bridge is hard to cross. But as that bridge is burnt, we, as parents, stay still, waiting for the child to rebuild what they have burnt/torn down. We are patient because we love them. Isn't that like God? God is patient with us because He loves us. We may get mad at him for our circumstances, but when we change our hearts and build that bridge and cross it back to Him...we get to experience that love/patience first hand. Our circumstances may not change, but WE will change. I learned through the circumstances with my Crystal that I need to stand patient and in love waiting for that bridge to be rebuilt. I cannot turn my back and walk away...My Jesus would not do that to me, although I deserve it!

Life is short...I, unfortunately learned that this week as well. I was in one of my branches when the manager came to me asking if I knew a guy from another branch. I said, "Yeah, he is hysterical...always making you laugh". That manager then informed me that he had been killed in a tragic motorcycle accident over the weekend. Did you ever have a moment when you want to say something, but the world just seems to immediately start to spin way too fast and no words can come out of your mouth? That's how I felt. It has been a somber week at work. This, another lesson that life is just the dash between the dates and that bridges are worth rebuilding.

Thank you, Jesus, for allowing me to curl up on Your lap once more. I pray that I never climb down, for I cannot do this life without you:-)

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